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Here are all blog posts relating to in-class assignments, readers responses, and more.
Final Reflection
Completing my first project this semester was a daunting task that I am glad to have overcome. It was my first major project at Florida...
Read and Remix #10: Viral Marketing
This Wikipedia article discussed the history and evolution of viral marketing, and how this means of spreading news or information has...
Read and Remix #9: Past Classes
For this blog, I decided to focus on reviewing which genres past students created for project three as a way to get a better...
Mini Text Presentation BRIEF BACKGROUND: I encountered this text while first watching Parks and Rec a few years...
Read and Remix #7: Bedford Book of Genres Chapter 9
Reading chapter 9 of the Bedford Book of Genres directly confronted some of my confusion about the process of writing and revising our...
Read and Remix #6: Bedford Book of Genres Chapter 7
Chapter 7 of the Bedford Book of Genres focuses primarily on integrating and documenting sources, specifically how and when to utilize...
Read and Remix #5: Consider the Lobster
David Foster Wallace’s piece entitled “Consider the Lobster” brings up many valid points in a well-constructed format, yet raises a few...
Read and Remix #4: Bedford Book of Genres Chapter 1
Genre is what I traditionally perceived as a way to classify books, movies, or music. The typical comedy, romance, drama, pop, rap,...
Read and Remix Blog #3: Bedford Book of Genres Chapter 5
Being in an honors ENC 2135 class my first semester of college has been my greatest insecurity in regards to academics. I love reading,...
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